Bubblestar Co.,ltd

  • Telephone:81-046-2119003
  • Country:Japan
  • Rating:
  • Address :Daikan1-15-15, Yamato-shi, Japan

Company Information

[Corporate Philosophy]You are what you eat.What you don't eat is also as important as what you eat for your health.Our selections are nutritious foods derived from natural raw materials from various parts of world in order to minimize food additives and agricultural chemicals, and weprocess our products in JAS certificated domestic factory.Additionally, we have a wide range of Low-Carb foods products which you can enjoythe taste and maintain your healthy lifestyle.Our mission is that support individuals to maintain their own health without worryingabout food safety.[CEO's Greetings]Thank you for visiting the Bubble Star website.We manufacture our products in JAS certificated domestic factory and sell them at wholesale and retail.I had been working for a foodservice company and had experiences that Icommunicate with customers face to face and develop products. From those experiences, I had a strong desire to provide safe and health foods.There are so many food safety issues nowadays. Originally, foods also improvemental health. However, people need to worry about food safety fears.We are responsible to provide safe, natural and health foods.BUBBLE STAR CO.,LTDCEO, Teruyuki Sudo