Grey Stallion Manufacturing Industries Limited

  • Telephone:91-8453000006
  • Country:India
  • Rating:
  • Address :H745, Ground Floor, Street No. 7, Palam Extension, Ramphal Chownk, Sector 7, Dwarka, Delhi, India

Company Information

We at Grey Stallion Manufacturing Industries Ltd. are one of the leading manufacturing company with age old recipes from Ayurveda of natural Herbs, Flavors, Attar, Waxes, Essential oils, Terpenes etc. We are also blenders of herbal cigarette blends, terpene herbal blends, terpene wax blends, shisha molasses with different fruit flavors and honey blends.Our products are universally acceptable as our team of blenders are constantly working with r&d and sales team to improve the quality to utmost customer satisfaction.Our social values are a crest above and from decades, our aim has remained the same: to help bring people together with same rich culture as our forefathers.