Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute

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  • Country:South Korea
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  • Address :215, Jinheung-ro, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul, South Korea

Company Information

KEITI, Global Leader of Green Technology and industry.The Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute(KEITI) is a semi-governmental entity founded in accordance with the Development of and Spport for Environmental Technology Act, aiming to inprove the quality of life of Koreans in addition to contributing to the economic progress of the country by suporting the development of green technologies and procurement of green products as well as nurturing the environmental industry into a strategic xport sector.To attain these goals, the institute diverse sevices such as planning, assessment and management of development projects for environmental technologies, nuturing environmental businesses and providing them with export supports, running an assessment and certification system of hi-tech green products, training specialist manpower, encouraging low-carbon green management and collecting and distributing information on environmental technologies and industry. At the same time, the organization helps the Korean enfivonmental businesses reinforce their international competitiveness by inplementing export assist programs, in response to the government is policy of developing the industry into an export workhorse.We at the KEITI pledge to keep working hard so that the institute can grow into a world-class specialist organization in the field of fostering environmental industry technologies, and hope for your continued support and cooperation.Core ServicesPlanning, evaluation and management of environmental technology development.Nurturing environmental businesses and assisting exports.Training specialist manpower.Collection and distribution on environmental industry and technologies.Promoting production, sales and distribution of green products.Promotion of green management.