Llc Rizyk

  • Telephone:777-666-77777
  • Country:Russian Federation
  • Rating:
  • Address :Sovetskaya str., 5, Druzhino village, Omsk Oblast, Russian Federation

Company Information

The Rizyk company started its activity in 2010 with a small production of pita bread and tortillas in Omsk. Over the years, the company has grown significantly, increased not only the turnover, but also the range of products. With each passing year, we added new and new products to the assortment range, not forgetting to monitor the high quality of both the usual assortment and new products. Over the past decade, Rizyk LLC has gone far beyond the region: branches have opened and are successfully operating in Novosibirsk and Ufa. The company's products are delivered to stores in the Omsk, Novosibirsk regions, the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Altai Territory, the Tomsk and Kemerovo regions, and many others.