
  • Telephone:66-064-8990789
  • Country:Thailand
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  • Address :Chang Moi, Chiang Mai 50300, Thailand, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Company Information

Mega Traders got its start by listening to farmers.The year was 2008. One of our founders was approached by a group of farmers who said they wanted to manage harvest more profitably, but they didn't have the right technology to do so. We dove into the problem and got busy developing the software that solved their needs.Today, listening to farmers and improving their farm management capabilities remains the bedrock of Mega Traders. We've grown to become a leader in farm management software, but not because we have all the answers. We've succeeded by listening and earning trust, one farmer at a time.The grit and creativity of farmers informed our business from the beginning, and we continue to look to them for what is needed on the ground.Rooted in Problem-SolvingFarmers are creative problem-solvers, continually troubleshooting many issues at the same time. Moving parts, unknowns, and constant change are just another day.We share that problem-solving spirit at Mega Traders. We started out creating solutions for farmers, and we continue to bring that creativity and enthusiasm as farming evolves into the future. On top of that, we're based in the Midwest, allowing us easy access to farms and the current issues growers are facing.There will always be new challenges, demands, and constraints in the farming business, and we're committed to continue solving problems together.19 -Year AnniversaryWe've listened. We've innovated. We've put down roots and continue to grow.We're not a pop-up tech operation that's here today and gone tomorrow. We've taken what farmers have told us and created smart solutions combined with the most helpful, down-to-earth customer support around. For ten years.We're in it for the long haul.