Miyake Honten Co.,ltd.

  • Telephone:81-823-221029
  • Country:Japan
  • Rating:
  • Address :7-9-10, Hiroshima Kure City, Japan

Company Information

Founded in 1856 in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture. Based on our corporate vision of providing "sen-no-fuku (a thousand good fortunes)" to all people, we are a Japanese sake maker mainly producing the "Sempuku" sake brand.In the past, we have received a commendation from the Navy in recognition of the quality of our sake that did not change even when crossing the Equator. Starting as purveyor to the Navy, we have since been selling our product all around Japan.To these days, we put quality first.We will continue to strive to provide sake that everyone loves.1856 Established in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture1916 The Sempuku brand is born1920 Awarded by the Navy for the quality of our sake that did not deteriorate even after crossing the Equator1941 Reached the top production volume in Japan2011 Established a subsidiary in Shanghai to expand China sales2017 160 years since establishment and 100 years since "Sempuku" trademark was registeredNumber of our products are 100 items.In addition to Japanese sake, we manufacture rice shochu and liqueur.