Novgorod Foundation For Small Business Support

  • Telephone:007-8162-720021
  • Country:Russian Federation
  • Rating:
  • Address :Kochetova st., Veliky Novgorod, Novgorod Oblast, Russian Federation

Company Information

In 2011, with the assistance of government of Novgorod region on the basis of Novgorod Fund of small business support (microcredit company) was established Regional center of coordination of export-oriented small and medium-sized businesses support (Novgorod center of export support).The objectives of the Center - information and analytical, consulting and organizational support of foreign economic activity of small and medium-sized businesses, promotion of investment and export-oriented small and medium-sized companies in international markets.-Organization of collective and individual stands at international exhibitions.- Organization of abroad business missions.-Assistance in promotion of companies ' products to foreign markets.-Consulting on the issues of export activities.- Informing about important for business activities abroad.-Organization and holding of training seminars on export activities.