Pt. Gabe International

  • Telephone:62-291-595553
  • Country:Indonesia
  • Rating:
  • Address :Jl. Raya Lebak-Bulungan No.148 .RT.05 / RW02 , Ds.Wonorejo, Jepara, Propinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Company Information

GABE ART FURNITURE is a privately held company based in Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia. Jepara is a well-known city in the world for its wooden furniture, especially teak and mahogany furniture. Gabe Art was established in 1991, and now employs more than 100 people. Gabe Art focuses its business on manufacturing and exporting handmade indoor furniture, outdoor furniture and accessories for home decorations. Since 1991 Gabe Art has customers from France, Germany, The Netherlands, USA, Spain, Italy, U. K, Greece, Turkey, Singapore, Bahama, Maldives, Australia, and Netherlands Antilles. The average present turn-over of Gabe Art is about 90 boxes of 40 feet containers a year. About 75% of this is achieved from the indoor products, and 25% from the outdoor products. Since 1995 Gabe Art has established strong reputations to supply furniture forStar hotels, villas, and condominiums. The hotels that supplied by Gabe Art such as Soneva Hotels, Club Med, as well as many Indonesian hotels that we aren't listing. We make the furniture buying experience easy. With a selection of thousands items and timely updated, it's hard to match what we can do. But now we let you choose freely whatever furniture you want from our furniture catalog.