Square Accessories Co., Ltd.

  • Telephone:0086-025-86827220
  • Country:China
  • Rating:4.9
  • Address :19-1, Pusi Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

Company Information

Square Accessory is a manufacture&trading company which serve customers from all over the wrold.Some projects form wholesalers and retailers,some come from advertising agency,some come from promotion projects with custom logos.Every customer,developer on square has complete control of their projects - and the opportunity for us to supply both goods and service are appreciated.We built Square Accessory to give customers better service. We measure our success as a company by how well we achieve that mission, not by the size of our profits. That's why, in 2015, we built a trading department. Trading department can supply both shipping cost customs for customers.When we built a trading department, we amended our corporate charter to lay out specific goals and commitments to goods and service, making our values core to our operations, and helping projects come to be perfect.