Ynidyi Enterprise Co., Ltd.

  • Telephone:886-7-3721108
  • Country:Taiwan, China
  • Rating:5.0
  • Address :11/fF, No. 1-32, Kuojian Rd., Cianjhen Dist., Taiwan, China

Company Information

Since its establishment in 1990, Ynidyi Enterprise Co., Ltd. has been applying the principles of humanistic management,andadhering to"Honesty, Initiative, Innovation, Responsibility"business philosophy. Our company has the awareness of "pollution prevention" andspirit of "continuous improvement". We try our best to create a clean, pollution-free workplace and living environment.From design to end products, the entire production processesare based on the principles of "green","energy conservation","carbon reduction" and "recycling". YNIDYI is dedicated to improvingenergy efficiency, reducingthe amount of waste and fulfillingcorporate social responsibility. We promote energy conservation and carbon reductionwith all our strength. Our mission is to achieve a low-carbon life and develop the belief of ALL-GREEN products..Produce & develop biomass (wood pellets) ; wood pellet plant layout planning.Biomass: Ynidyi's wood pellets are made from the recycled wood raw materials. It's a type of a type of energy stored the solar energy.Thanks to their clean & eco-friendly characteristics, the wood pellets can replace fossil fuels..Advantages of our wood pellets: small size, easy to transport, high calorific value, ease of ignition, low levels of sulfur and nitrogen, SGS Certified.